Tuesday 17 June 2014

Public transport of Mombasa

Did you know that Safari in Kiswahili means to travel, travels or traveling. The common means of transportation in Mombasa are the following:

  • Tuk tuks

  • Matatus - mini buses that can sit around 14 people (or more during rush hour) 

The picture above was taken from inside a Matatu called 'Spanish', note the TV screen and the projector screen that is showing music videos 
  • Boda bodas - Motocycles 
  • Ferry - when you are traveling from Mombasa island to Likoni on the South coast.    

So. many. people.

  •  Walking 

Woman casually walking with a huge box on her head

  • Camels - Just kidding, they aren't used as means of transportation, but you can encounter them in parks, on the beach and even looking both from side to side before crossing the road. You can also ride them for less than 50 ksh the equivalent of $0.60 

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