Monday 7 July 2014

Tsavo East - Theater of the Wild (Day I)

Where would you go on a Safari in Kenya? The obvious answers would be Masai Mara or Amboseli. However, due to work, going to either of these places was unfeasible. Luckily for us Tsavo East national park located 100km away was our answer. A mere 2 hour drive away, we booked a weekend safari where we saw lots of game and had the most wonderful safari experience courtesy of Lofty Tours. We left Mombasa around 10:30 on Saturday morning and got to Tsavo a little after 12:30. 

Image credit: African Mecca Safaris

We entered Tsavo East with a 24hr park permit through Buchuma Gate

My fellow FSD interns: Michiyo (Left) and Ashley (Middle)

Rhino silhouettes decorating the park gate. This was misleading as we later on found out hat Rhinos can only be seen in Tsavo West

However, we got to see lots of elephants, so that made up for it :)

Upon entering the park, the driver informed us that we had a 75km drive to Voi, where Voi lodge is located, and we were going to drive there as fast as possible to make it in time for lunch. Despite the hurry, our driver still stopped the van whenever we saw game, and helped to point out camouflaged game in the distance.

We saw the following animals no the way to Voi lodge:

Gazelle Antelopes

Male Somali Ostrich

And then ... Lions!

The driver told us that we were extremely lucky, as usually around 13:00 (1pm) the lions are resting and not up and about

Fun fact: Simba is Lion in Kiswahili

Gazelle Antelope deftly scratching itself 


Elephant with Windmill

A herd of elephants huddled together, it made them look like they were in the kids of a deep discussion

These little fellas

Elephant looking extremely happy whilst eating 

Baboon crossing

A mama lion with her cub

The gorgeous panorama from Voi lodge

The swimming pool overlooks the watering hole, it was a shame that it was too windy and too cold to swim that day

Elephants gathered at the watering hole

A mama elephant with her baby

This is just too cute!

So, apparently elephants get itchy too because we saw one scratching her/his chin on a boulder

One big happy family

Close up

Buffalos at the watering hole

Found this beautiful bird perched right outside our window

 At Voi lodge there were so many of these little ones

We were told that they're Hyrax

Hyrax babies!

Family reunion

In the afternoon, the driver took us for another game drive from 16:30 - 18:00 (4:30-6:00P)

The same lions that we saw 2.5 hours ago were still resting under the same exact tree

Our driver stopped the van so that we could watch this baboon walk along the side of the road. The baboon ensued to sit down and pose for our pictures

This baby elephant looking mighty made my day :)

We saw so many different species of birds in the park

This bird was particularly striking with a dark blue head, a turquoise body and a rusty orange/yellow belly

Impala looking somewhat surprised (look closely at its facial expression)

Female Water Buck

I told the driver that they had funny looking rings on their backsides. He replied that it is because the male water buck “put a ring on it”

The sunset was breathtaking. This image looks photoshopped but I assure you that it was even prettier in person

Tired, but oh so happy

We tried to stay up for the Netherlands – Costa Rica game, but at 22:00 (10:00P) we called it a day.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for Day II 

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